Friday, July 5, 2024

Where I Am Now

 It’s just after 2:30 p.m and I finally got to quiet down, listen to music, and write.

On May 28th, I wrote about how important it is to love where we are at, based on an Allen Stone song.

Do I love where I’m at? Injured with a long healing? The future of everything from my teaching life to Jim’s life, all up in the air?

I guess I’m missing my own point here. So, I ask again…

Do I love where I’m at?

In this very moment (the only moment there is), I have to say yes.

I have music, a clean house, a husband who helps me maintain what I need for healing, plenty of food, neighbors and friends to help, and time to rest.

I am also enjoying two beautiful flower bouquets sent to me from my friends Stacy and Natalie. Who can not love being surrounded with yellow, white, and purple?

Breathe it in!

PS. And a while after I posted this, more flowers arrived, adding color to the mix. I love my colorful life!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Pool Boy


This is my brother-in-law Paul, who hopped in the car and drove two days to be here after my auto accident. He is currently installing two grab bars in our water closet to help keep us more secure.

Paul likes to swim in the morning, so he has been using our community pool. The first day he went, there was one other older lady up there during the time he was there.

The next day, Paul noted there were three ladies.

By yesterday, there was a cache of six to seven. Word had spread of this new, good-looking guy swimming laps in the pool. Can’t you just see the text messages flying in the hands of these ladies cell phones?

I’d love to tell these women that they’re looking at one of the funniest, hard-working, loyal, energetic, and giving individuals on the planet. I just told him I could never ever repay him for what he has done for us this week. He has made us laugh, been there every second needed, prepped food, and did housework and maintenance. All while doing his regular paid job, which included plenty of zoom meetings.

Paul is a marvel in my eyes. I will be sad when he leaves tomorrow.

But meanwhile, to the neighborhood ladies getting an eyeful…

Eat your hearts out, sisters…he belongs to us.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

How Melody Inspires

I’m not talking about music melody. I’m talking about my friend Melody.

And when I say “friend,” I always get a wry smile. I went to high school at St. Joseph Academy with Melody, and we were always friendly with each other, but never once do I remember hanging out. So she is a new version of friend.

A Facebook friend.

It is because of FB, I came to know what a wise, kind, brave, generous, creative, hilarious person Melody is.

Then, when the pandemic hit and my friend Laurie formed an on-line writing group, I got to know her even better, by hearing her voice and seeing her face, even if just on Zoom.

Yesterday she posted something about the recent SCOTUS decision and I sent her a message:

Melody wrote back pretty quickly and had these wise words:

I’m sharing this here today to remember how I was feeling during this time of uncertainty in my life and in the country. It is all wound together in my mind now. I have had moments of envisioning some amazing  outcomes to all of this. And I’m ever grateful I have Melody in my life, keeping it light and keeping it real. I always feel she and I hold the vision together. And I guess that is what meeting in the early 70s was really setting us up for—this 3rd chapter part of our lives when the world has taken a turn that the nuns at St Joes probably warned us about! 

Today Melody posted this. It is giving me something to meditate on, a target to shoot for. There is much work to be done in my life and in the country. My job now is to keep myself in balance, one step at a time.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Well, my perfect streak ended…

 …but it wasn’t my fault! 

It’s morning. The sun is out.  I got my glasses. I got my Kind Almond Butter Granola bar. I got the most perfect coffee in the world made by my sweetheart.

I have family here providing much needed help. And I feel like I’m growing stronger quickly.

Thank you, my many hospital visitors. And sorry to those I warded off when I was having my bad hospital day. The gifts were appreciated, especially the chocolates I shared with the nurses.

Thank you to all who texted and emailed and called. Your words lifted me and I could feel the prayer wind.

Thank you, cousin Doreen in Asheville, who sent me an email on Saturday morning because I wasn’t blogging and she knew something might be wrong. 

Writers gotta write. And I have lots to write about. But not today. This is just my reentry.

What I do want to say is this: a comment was made to me that the man who smashed into me had “ruined my life.” I had not for a second felt like a victim in this scenario. I could not even relate to those words. I could never square it with all the things I have written in here that remind me of the Oneness of all things and God’s vision for me. I am already starting to see it. 

And I have no doubt all will be well.

Where I Am Now

 It’s just after 2:30 p.m and I finally got to quiet down, listen to music, and write. On May 28th, I wrote about how important it is to lov...