Friday, July 5, 2024

Where I Am Now

 It’s just after 2:30 p.m and I finally got to quiet down, listen to music, and write.

On May 28th, I wrote about how important it is to love where we are at, based on an Allen Stone song.

Do I love where I’m at? Injured with a long healing? The future of everything from my teaching life to Jim’s life, all up in the air?

I guess I’m missing my own point here. So, I ask again…

Do I love where I’m at?

In this very moment (the only moment there is), I have to say yes.

I have music, a clean house, a husband who helps me maintain what I need for healing, plenty of food, neighbors and friends to help, and time to rest.

I am also enjoying two beautiful flower bouquets sent to me from my friends Stacy and Natalie. Who can not love being surrounded with yellow, white, and purple?

Breathe it in!

PS. And a while after I posted this, more flowers arrived, adding color to the mix. I love my colorful life!

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