Saturday, July 6, 2024

Sushi Delay No More

The day of the accident was the day I was doing for myself. The plan was yoga, sushi for lunch, and then a drive to Bonita to donate books to Annette. (Her bookstore is set to open this fall.)

Since I got home from the hospital, Margie and Paul were handling the meals. When they left on Friday, I decided I had the energy to make us an easy, yummy dinner, which I did. But it wasn’t easy on my body, and I vowed that I’d make other arrangements for the weekend.

After deliberating in a number of different ways on what kind of food to have for dinner, Jim and I agreed on Jason’s Deli. My friend Debbie had offered to bring it by, her treat.

That left lunchtime, and I was hungry. I had been at Convenient Care at 8 a.m. this morning getting my swelling leg checked out for possible blood clots. I woke up my friend Honey at the crack of dawn to drive me. It included a trip to Gulf Coast Medical for an ultrasound. Thankfully, all is clear.

Back to lunch. I remembered my plan for sushi over a week ago, and decided now is the time. My appetite is back and I have an Uber Eats gift card from my friend Leah. No time like the present to learn how to order and eat one of my favorites: Ninja Sunset Roll.

I added on a ginger salad and it was a feast for a Queen! 

Being gentle on myself today after a luscious and easy-to-obtain lunch feels just right. The phone isn’t ringing and texts from insurance companies and lawyers aren’t coming through. I know there is much to be done, but for now….rest.

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