Wednesday, July 3, 2024

How Melody Inspires

I’m not talking about music melody. I’m talking about my friend Melody.

And when I say “friend,” I always get a wry smile. I went to high school at St. Joseph Academy with Melody, and we were always friendly with each other, but never once do I remember hanging out. So she is a new version of friend.

A Facebook friend.

It is because of FB, I came to know what a wise, kind, brave, generous, creative, hilarious person Melody is.

Then, when the pandemic hit and my friend Laurie formed an on-line writing group, I got to know her even better, by hearing her voice and seeing her face, even if just on Zoom.

Yesterday she posted something about the recent SCOTUS decision and I sent her a message:

Melody wrote back pretty quickly and had these wise words:

I’m sharing this here today to remember how I was feeling during this time of uncertainty in my life and in the country. It is all wound together in my mind now. I have had moments of envisioning some amazing  outcomes to all of this. And I’m ever grateful I have Melody in my life, keeping it light and keeping it real. I always feel she and I hold the vision together. And I guess that is what meeting in the early 70s was really setting us up for—this 3rd chapter part of our lives when the world has taken a turn that the nuns at St Joes probably warned us about! 

Today Melody posted this. It is giving me something to meditate on, a target to shoot for. There is much work to be done in my life and in the country. My job now is to keep myself in balance, one step at a time.

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