Sunday, September 26, 2021

7. Jot Notes


Many years ago I learned of an activity called Jot Notes from a reading coach at our school. It remains one of my favorites, and I decided to use this learning activity with my Global Perspectives class this past week. The curriculum called for the learners to brainstorm the advantages and disadvantages of virtual learning.

The first step is for the groups of 4-5 learners to take turns writing down and saying out loud something they know, believe, think about, like, or dislike about virtual learning. All of them have had the experience in the spring of 2020, and some were still learning virtually last year.

Once they had exhausted all they wanted to say about it, they take the jot notes and categorize them by advantages and disadvantages.

Jot notes is always an engaging activity, but this time around it was even more so. It became obvious to me after a short time that this was probably one of the first times they have had to sit together and actually talk about their experiences. It was instructive to me as a teacher to hear how they viewed what has happened in their academic life, and

Some of the advantages that were listed:

Not being stuck on school time
Easy assignments
Easy As
Got to sleep in
Could take breaks whenever they wanted
No homework
Had more freedom
Could eat whenever they wanted
Got to play games and do work at own pace
All the work was posted for the week
Could cheat
Understanding teachers



Some of the disadvantages

Zoom was glitchy 
Can't see friends in classes
Don't get to meet new people
Teachers paid more attention to in-class than Zoom kids
Wifi problems
Teachers not being helpful
No socializing
Difficult to learn 
Couldn't always get answers to questions


It is worthwhile to note that the advantages were virtual in general, but some of the disadvantages seemed to point more toward kids who were on Home Connect where they had to "attend" the class in real time. 
All in all, the days we did this in class were some of the best conversations and involvement I have seen so far this year. Looking forward to finding another reason to use this as soon as I can!


Saturday, September 25, 2021

To Feel Free

Last night we were watching Kenny Rogers: All in for the Gambler Farewell Concert which was recorded October 25, 2017 at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville. It would be Kenny Rogers last live performance.

Shortly thereafter, before embarking on his farewell tour, his doctors advised him he needed to make his health a priority. And bam -- the tour was over.

Fast forward to March 20, 2020 -- Kenny Rogers passes away of natural causes under hospice care.

The reason that date is important is it was right about the beginning of our pandemic shutdown. Although COVID was not the reason for Rogers' death, it is somehow connected in my mind.

So perhaps that is why watching this concert stirred up something in me.

Yes, the performances for the most part were great. I don't typically care for Lady A, but they killed it with "She Believes in Me." And Little Big Town soared in harmonies on "Through the Years." Lionel Richie sang "Lady," of course, to the delight of the crowd. Then Dolly Parton and Kenny sang a few songs together, after Dolly joyfully greeted her old friend, her usual borderline inappropriate comments in tow. The woman has little filter, and perhaps that is why we love her so. After "Islands in the Stream" they ended like rock stars with a mic drop.

But back to the audience...

They were overwhelmingly white females with cell phones recording every darn thing. They were crying. They were alive with joy and happiness at seeing this tribute unfolding on the stage.

Here in Fort Myers, years later, I couldn't help but envy them. I envied that they could go to the concert without a mask. I envied they could sing and shout and hug and be together fearlessly.

To be honest, I probably have noticed this before in shows I've watched on television. I'm sure it crossed my mind.

But for me, Kenny is connected to the beginning of the pandemic when the Grand Ole Opry did their first livestream with Marty Stuart, Vince Gill, and Brad Paisley singing to an empty Opry house. One of the first songs performed was a tribute to Kenny who had just died a few days beforehand.

When I was thinking about my reaction to the audience, the phrase that came to mind was: They were free

That kind of stunned me. When I started thinking about it this morning, I had an epiphany: it is the first time I think I had an inkling of understanding on why some people are ranting about freedom when it comes to all things COVID. It truly can feel like our freedom is gone.

Granted, much of what has occurred surrounding anger over masks and shutdowns and such just demonstrates unskilled behavior. At the same time, if we don't recognize that things probably will never go back to the "way they were," that we may always have to be considering the risk of public places, and if we don't take a look at our sadness about that, we may end up taking it out on innocent people, all whom are dealing with the exact same emotions.

Yes, it can make us angry that this happened. To our grandparents. To our children. To us.

The desire to feel free of it is real in all of us. We do what we have to do, but at times we will be reminded that all we can do is deal with what is, no matter how painful. We may be anxious, angry, sad, and yes, even jealous of our past lives that did not include this intrusion. 

We need to somehow free ourselves of the need to take this out on others. We all must be able to travel, shop, attend events, and go to school safely.

Just like everyone else, I'm weary of putting on a mask to teach, to walk into the local library, to fly on a plane. It still doesn't feel like a wholly natural part of life. And yes, I'd love to be free of it.

The audience at Bridgestone that night in October did not know that was Kenny's final performance. 

When the pandemic began, we did not know how many deaths would occur. 

Our world has changed forever.

And that is the ultimate mic drop.

Wildflowers (7 Lines/7 Days #71)


September 19-25, 2021


I'm starting to think of my learners as wildflowers

My heart brims with affection and expansion

Things are moving along well

Heard "Daydream Believer" on the way to work and got all green lights

I'm falling behind on my personal reading

Love the Lucinda Williams song "When Your Way Gets Dark"

The week ended with the feeling of accomplishment and completion

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Lion in the Stars

Inspired by "The Poets" by Evan Boland

Thank you, Dana Herman, for bringing this to us during our writing circle.


Lion in the stars

    you are brilliant and alive

    Poets try to name you -- they can't

    for you are without words

    even as your form

    comes and goes in our vision

Lion in the stars

    the "jewelled beast"

    I found you along the Blue Ridge Parkway

    across a boulder by the road

    eyes in the headlights

    alerted me to your presence

    And then...

    you were gone

Lion in the stars

    you are the sun of my life

    you have lent me strength

    more times than I can count

    To find the lion in me

    takes the courage that lifts

    that soothes

    that connects     

                        that roars.



6. New Growth

New orchids on my lanai inspired this piece


Thank You, Toms (7 Lines/7 Days #70)


September 12-18, 2021


After all the #NeverForget stuff last week, all I have to say is that every time we get a chance to love better, we blow it.

Getting pickier about how I spend my time has enabled me to feel like my free time goes slower.

I am held in the heart of God. All things work toward good.

Creative Writing Club got off to a good start.

The reading kids are setting in, and patience has been my friend.

Had an epiphany at my music lesson Thursday -- how learning the mandolin and teaching reading connect. All because of Tom Petty's "Wildflowers" and my excellent teacher, who also happens to be named Tom.

I feel I've found a missing piece. Thank you, Toms! 


Tom Marcellis

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Keep Walking

A Caboose poem from Grace Butcher's "On the Necessity of Snow Angels for the Well-Being of the World."

Here is a link to the reading of the poem. My poem is below.



Keep walking

towards the next beautiful thing

you will do

Be it meditating in silence

Stretching your body

Eating your Cheerios.

Be it motivating a reader

Listening to a stressed coworker

Taking another deep breath.

Reminding all that integrity

                   and kindness matter.

Keep walking

5. Challenged and Changed



These are a few poems representing some of what has been happening since September began. These short poems are written by jumping off a line from a poem I just read. The lines and poets are noted at the beginning of each poem




danced up to the moon and stars and galaxies (Angle)

I need to remember to dance.

I'm truly NOT having enough fun with my students.

I'm letting tension seep in.

I'm not taking the right steps again.

Today I will wear my feather earrings and remember to keep it light.




(behind the mask! ;-)



break back into the world (Smith)


I had to be reminded 

to do what works.

Wasn't I the one who

wrote a poem about that?

Even had it published:

You know what to do...

Do what works.

You know what that is. 


Time and how are the mysterious
elements of any life
I will find my way home to you (Harjo)
Finding my way home
Over and over again

Aware it is never as easy
as it appears on the surface.
That's okay.
I am challenged.
        I am changed. 

Writers Write (7 Lines/7 Days #69)


 September 5-11, 2021


I had an epiphany about how I spend my time, which sent everything into a better motion.

I haven't been living my creative life.

Writers write. I wrote.

I voice the universe in an original way.

At school, I'm keeping learning and real reading in the forefront.

Getting prepared for my first Creative Writing Club meeting coming up!

I bring my brave face and loving heart each day, and I move forward. 

Patience: A Chant

Monday September 6th was a New Moon day.  This is a day I pull a Native American Medicine Card to find out what I need for the coming month.

This month I pulled ANT which equals Patience.

Reading about ANT I learned:

I need to be community-minded and see future needs.

I can plan, but must be content with building a dream a little at a time.

Patience has its rewards.

Sweet victory is at the end of the line.

I can trust in the Universe to supply.

I must work for the good of the whole and my goodness will be provided.


In response, I then wrote this chant:

Patience with my husband's health
Patience with my learners' progress
Patience with my colleagues
Patience with the district
Patience when I see what others are doing that is harmful
Patience with what others are not doing that is neglectful
Patience with comparisons
Patience with aging
Patience with timing
Patience with mistakes
Patience with myself when I sense that fault line -- I'm not perfect
Patience with myself to take the next right move
Patience with my choices toward building a creative life
Patience with an uncertain future
I make good choices and set a healthy direction and little by little I take on too much and then I find myself pulled away.
Patience with my own desire to do it all!!! 

Sunday, September 5, 2021

I Am Carried (7 Lines/7 Days #68)


August 29 - September 4, 2021



The universe gifts me with courage in all things

I set a strong goal for the week -- to do whatever it takes to not have to work on the 3-day weekend.

Within me, I carry God. Within God, I am carried

All I can do is work with the ingredients I have

I had a learner hand me a book to read. I'm on it!

Things calmed as the week progressed.

I spent valuable time Saturday morning getting a strong structure mapped out. It has put me in a good place for the weekend. 

Around and Around We Go

 It is Thursday, and my first thought is Why is the summer going so fast? My second is How will I ever get everything accomplished I need to...