Saturday, September 11, 2021

Patience: A Chant

Monday September 6th was a New Moon day.  This is a day I pull a Native American Medicine Card to find out what I need for the coming month.

This month I pulled ANT which equals Patience.

Reading about ANT I learned:

I need to be community-minded and see future needs.

I can plan, but must be content with building a dream a little at a time.

Patience has its rewards.

Sweet victory is at the end of the line.

I can trust in the Universe to supply.

I must work for the good of the whole and my goodness will be provided.


In response, I then wrote this chant:

Patience with my husband's health
Patience with my learners' progress
Patience with my colleagues
Patience with the district
Patience when I see what others are doing that is harmful
Patience with what others are not doing that is neglectful
Patience with comparisons
Patience with aging
Patience with timing
Patience with mistakes
Patience with myself when I sense that fault line -- I'm not perfect
Patience with myself to take the next right move
Patience with my choices toward building a creative life
Patience with an uncertain future
I make good choices and set a healthy direction and little by little I take on too much and then I find myself pulled away.
Patience with my own desire to do it all!!! 

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