Saturday, September 18, 2021

Lion in the Stars

Inspired by "The Poets" by Evan Boland

Thank you, Dana Herman, for bringing this to us during our writing circle.


Lion in the stars

    you are brilliant and alive

    Poets try to name you -- they can't

    for you are without words

    even as your form

    comes and goes in our vision

Lion in the stars

    the "jewelled beast"

    I found you along the Blue Ridge Parkway

    across a boulder by the road

    eyes in the headlights

    alerted me to your presence

    And then...

    you were gone

Lion in the stars

    you are the sun of my life

    you have lent me strength

    more times than I can count

    To find the lion in me

    takes the courage that lifts

    that soothes

    that connects     

                        that roars.



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