Saturday, September 18, 2021

Thank You, Toms (7 Lines/7 Days #70)


September 12-18, 2021


After all the #NeverForget stuff last week, all I have to say is that every time we get a chance to love better, we blow it.

Getting pickier about how I spend my time has enabled me to feel like my free time goes slower.

I am held in the heart of God. All things work toward good.

Creative Writing Club got off to a good start.

The reading kids are setting in, and patience has been my friend.

Had an epiphany at my music lesson Thursday -- how learning the mandolin and teaching reading connect. All because of Tom Petty's "Wildflowers" and my excellent teacher, who also happens to be named Tom.

I feel I've found a missing piece. Thank you, Toms! 


Tom Marcellis

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