Sunday, March 28, 2021

First Week of Spring (7 Lines/7 Days #45)



March 21-27, 2021

Second ER visit finally go to the root of the problem.

Starting Daily Affirmations with Julia's prayer book and loving it.

Jim will have his surgery Monday. So sorry he lost so much vision while we searched for an answer to his headaches.

A student named Luis who hasn't been at school returned today. He ran up to me and yelled, "I'm back!" and threw his arms around me.  Love that kid!

I was thrilled to hear the frog chorus singing through the night.

I'm getting the message: Do not be afraid.

82 days until the last day of school.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Spring Break (7 Lines/7 Days #44)


March 14-20, 2021



We're always serving and receiving -- it goes both ways

Watching Mickey Guyton sing "Black Like Me" on the Grammy Awards was to bear witness and learn again.

It's important to celebrate even when we think there is nothing to celebrate.

I've read 17 out of the 73 books (my target this year), but only 3 were written by women. I now will track that and get a bit of balance!

The Van Gogh Alive was amazing. I cried when surrounded by sunflowers, "Ava Maria" playing. Wonderful time with my fascinating friends!

Sadly, Jim's healthy issue is not resolving despite our efforts

The Universe responds to my dreams and needs 



(First two quotes from Bernie Glassman. The last one from Julia Cameron)

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


 Today I decided to try something from Week 3 of The Listening Path.  Julia suggests going somewhere you don't usually go, and listen to the sounds.

I haven't gone to Lakes Park as much as I'd like, and was planning to go there, so decided to just use that as my location. When I was approaching, though, I remembered it was Farm Market Day.  I usually go to the park early on, before a lot of people get there. Well, it turns out there are a gazillion people who go early before the market opens and walk around the lake -- my destination today. I was met with mobs of people, walking and on bikes and with strollers, as they were mostly finishing their walks so they could hit the stands.



 I took note of the sounds and here is my list:


Lots of birds

Lots of people 

A woman talking to her friends about Susan B. Anthony

A lot of Good Morning exchanges

Traffic on Gladiolus

There's a snake on the path

It's a pretty one

Two elder gentlemen admiring the colors on a Green Heron

Carpenters running their drills repairing parts of the bridge

More birds

A child in a stroller calling a moorhen duckie

Mom confirming, Yes, duckie

Vendor hawking their fresh goodies

Food truck generators humming

Hi to my coworker Lisa who I meet on the path

Workers discussing repairs on the water park

Children laughing & pushing each other to be first at the vending machines

Back to my car

The engine roars

Alabama is singing "Southern Star"

Show me the way to go home

Saturday, March 13, 2021

La Kitchen

 Inspired by Richard Blanco's poem "El Florida" and written during our Write Around the Corner meeting.

The kitchen

once a lonely place for me

slapping together "whatever" meals

The kitchen

now with new shiny stainless 

steel appliances

a sturdy cutting board

new pans and knife set

The kitchen

where my husband and I now are chefs together

He -- the master of steaks and chicken

Me--handling the vegetables and potatoes and risotto

One year now of delicious healthy enticing dinners

not just thrown together by one

but prepared lovingly by two

Olive oil and garlic permeating the air

sauces created with hazelnut or fig jam or honey mustard

Music, of course

Lately a lot of Billy Joel

sometimes 90s country

or a jazz-filled playlist

Taking the food to the dining room table

candles lit, cloth napkins

The kitchen -- OUR kitchen

A lonely place no more.

Illumination (7 Lines/7 Days #43)


March 7-13, 2021

With gratitude, optimism becomes sustainable.

Find a photo. Think of a song that goes with it. Share.

I've been teaching for 17 years and it has never been more clear to me that it's all about WORDS.

It has been a year since the whole world closed in on us.

Jim's headache got unbelievably bad and we spent 6 hours at the ER.

Being forced to finally take a day off, I discovered a sub who loves my classes. I've lined her up for two more days off. YIPPEE.

Spring break has begun!

(The opening quote is from Stephen Pollan, father-in-law of Michael J. Fox, 

found in his book No Time Like the Future.)

Friday, March 12, 2021

543,721 Americans

 Inspired by Barbara Kingsolver's poem "Burying Ground," particularly this line: Hearts full afraid of the asking price.

It was nearly a year ago her

father was put on a ventilator,

having been denied a COVID

test because he didn't fit

"the profile."

He being a 39-year-old black man.

And this dancer poet in my class

with the all-encompassing name of "Skye"

sang "Three Little Birds" in an

online candlelight service for her popular father,

the one she joked with about "jojoba" and watching

The Pink Panther movie when he got home from

his DJ job at 3 in the morning.

"Don't worry about a thing" 

was a lie in this case, as I'm 

sure Skye's mom had plenty

to be worried about when

her man was ripped away.

Their family...three little birds...down to two.

And the world was quiet

the concert halls and baseball

stadiums and basketball courts.

And everyone said "We're in this together"

until we weren't.

Suddenly, it was a hoax, a conspiracy, a lie.

The anti-maskers broke loose because,

you know, freedom,

and the governor opened things back up because,

you know, the economy.

And even though I've never had

a COVID test or been

quarantined from my job,

I've never doubted the risk.

Because a dancer poet

in my creative writing class

lost her father in the early days,

when we were still bumbling

along trying to figure this out.

I never did and never will take this lightly.

Each human life too precious.

Each human life needed by someone.


Getting a Grip (7 Lines/7 Days #42)


February 28-March 6, 2021


It has been a year since I attended my last concert.

Inspired by The Listening Path, I got out for a morning walk.

There was a day this week when the 8th grade boys were really annoying. Thankfully, just one day.

Every chance I get, I speak out against the 12 period schedule. So many reasons it isn't good.

Gratefully, I'm not overwhelmed with things right now.

I'm 100% taking the weekend off from anything work-related.

Do the next right thing.

Around and Around We Go

 It is Thursday, and my first thought is Why is the summer going so fast? My second is How will I ever get everything accomplished I need to...