Saturday, March 20, 2021

Spring Break (7 Lines/7 Days #44)


March 14-20, 2021



We're always serving and receiving -- it goes both ways

Watching Mickey Guyton sing "Black Like Me" on the Grammy Awards was to bear witness and learn again.

It's important to celebrate even when we think there is nothing to celebrate.

I've read 17 out of the 73 books (my target this year), but only 3 were written by women. I now will track that and get a bit of balance!

The Van Gogh Alive was amazing. I cried when surrounded by sunflowers, "Ava Maria" playing. Wonderful time with my fascinating friends!

Sadly, Jim's healthy issue is not resolving despite our efforts

The Universe responds to my dreams and needs 



(First two quotes from Bernie Glassman. The last one from Julia Cameron)

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