Wednesday, March 17, 2021


 Today I decided to try something from Week 3 of The Listening Path.  Julia suggests going somewhere you don't usually go, and listen to the sounds.

I haven't gone to Lakes Park as much as I'd like, and was planning to go there, so decided to just use that as my location. When I was approaching, though, I remembered it was Farm Market Day.  I usually go to the park early on, before a lot of people get there. Well, it turns out there are a gazillion people who go early before the market opens and walk around the lake -- my destination today. I was met with mobs of people, walking and on bikes and with strollers, as they were mostly finishing their walks so they could hit the stands.



 I took note of the sounds and here is my list:


Lots of birds

Lots of people 

A woman talking to her friends about Susan B. Anthony

A lot of Good Morning exchanges

Traffic on Gladiolus

There's a snake on the path

It's a pretty one

Two elder gentlemen admiring the colors on a Green Heron

Carpenters running their drills repairing parts of the bridge

More birds

A child in a stroller calling a moorhen duckie

Mom confirming, Yes, duckie

Vendor hawking their fresh goodies

Food truck generators humming

Hi to my coworker Lisa who I meet on the path

Workers discussing repairs on the water park

Children laughing & pushing each other to be first at the vending machines

Back to my car

The engine roars

Alabama is singing "Southern Star"

Show me the way to go home

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