Saturday, March 13, 2021

La Kitchen

 Inspired by Richard Blanco's poem "El Florida" and written during our Write Around the Corner meeting.

The kitchen

once a lonely place for me

slapping together "whatever" meals

The kitchen

now with new shiny stainless 

steel appliances

a sturdy cutting board

new pans and knife set

The kitchen

where my husband and I now are chefs together

He -- the master of steaks and chicken

Me--handling the vegetables and potatoes and risotto

One year now of delicious healthy enticing dinners

not just thrown together by one

but prepared lovingly by two

Olive oil and garlic permeating the air

sauces created with hazelnut or fig jam or honey mustard

Music, of course

Lately a lot of Billy Joel

sometimes 90s country

or a jazz-filled playlist

Taking the food to the dining room table

candles lit, cloth napkins

The kitchen -- OUR kitchen

A lonely place no more.

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