Sunday, March 28, 2021

First Week of Spring (7 Lines/7 Days #45)



March 21-27, 2021

Second ER visit finally go to the root of the problem.

Starting Daily Affirmations with Julia's prayer book and loving it.

Jim will have his surgery Monday. So sorry he lost so much vision while we searched for an answer to his headaches.

A student named Luis who hasn't been at school returned today. He ran up to me and yelled, "I'm back!" and threw his arms around me.  Love that kid!

I was thrilled to hear the frog chorus singing through the night.

I'm getting the message: Do not be afraid.

82 days until the last day of school.

1 comment:

  1. thinking of you and hoping the surgery goes well. I loved this post of yours. xo


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