Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday Seeking Peace

It’s a muggy morning with zero breeze. I had vowed to get out and walk, to connect with Mother Nature, and wasn’t going to let the weather stop me.

I’m glad I kept my vow.  I walked the bridge area to the woods. The Ibis were roosting and it was obviously mating season, as there were many bright displays.

I stopped at a bench that was calling to me. I was thinking a lot about lyrics to a song from yesterday: “Peace will come.” I meditated for a short time on the bench on those words, then took this picture:

Don’t you just love cloud reflections?

I walked into the wooded area and had this thought: why am I saying peace will come? Peace is now.

Then I saw this plaque next to a bench, something I had not seen before:

I smiled at myself. What else do I need? I have the present moment. I walked, touching all the palm fronds along the path, reaching for waxy leaves and feathery vines. A cache of butterflies fluttered over my head. I was sweaty and mosquito-bitten when I returned to my car, but no matter.  I had kept my promise and was reminded once more that being one with nature is all it’s cracked up to be!

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