Saturday, June 8, 2024

For Example, Friday

I’d been wanting to write a poem all week, and finally got inspired by David Kirby’s poem “The Rhetorical Device Known as What-Aboutery.”

…it takes a while to get from where
you are to where you want to be, especially 
if you don’t know where you’re going in the first place,
which you shouldn’t, as the scientists
 say, if you know what you’re doing, it isn’t research.


What if I was to truly open my mind 
to what could be discovered each day 
without judgment on my part?

For example, Friday.
A routine eye appointment for Jim turned long
Hemorrhaging in the eye
Causing an afternoon at another doctor
Trying to get it under control
And I stayed focused on what mattered.
I discovered I could 
read my book 
relax into just being

I had been contemplating what fun is in my life.
So I decided picking up a book 
I’ve meant to read for years would be fun 
and making dinner — a joy.
I’m discovering a moment holds a lot of mini-happiness.

In a book I just finished there was a great line:
Happiness is circulatory.

Someone else said fun leads to happiness, not the other way around.

Fun being playfulness + communication + flow.

So there is the recipe.

Will I ever say the day Jim’s eye 
hemorrhaged was a FUN day?
No, probably not.

Will I say I flowed through it 
and discovered a calm around it?

Yes, that I can say.
It’s my own research into the 
art of being.

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