Monday, June 10, 2024

Learning to Read

I purchased this book years ago at a used book store, and every summer I vow to read it. But until Friday, I had not read a word.

I finally ventured into this novel on Friday, and returned to it yesterday. It was around page 50 when the frustration set in. Like, what the heck is going on? I considered abandoning the book, but went looking for advice instead.

This is a common problem for people reading this Nobel Prize winning novel, I discovered. Someone had encountered the same issue as me, and asked about it on a GoodReads forum. There I found a lot of useful advice:

—Don’t look for plot. This is a telling of a family through time.

—Read it like it’s a dream.

—Don’t try to keep track of the characters, many that have identical names. Just enjoy each little story.

—It’s like stream of consciousness. Relax into it. It will pay off.

—Watch how often Marquez uses the words “solitude” and “solitary.”

—If it bothers you, don’t read it. Life is too short to spend reading books you don’t like.

It’s not like I haven’t read Latin American literature or magical realism before. But this Marquez book is clearly something else. I was looking for experience like I’ve had with other literary classics, like when I finally read The Color Purple in 2020, or The Grapes of Wrath in 2022. But I didn’t expect I’d have to learn how to approach it. That’s a new one on me! 

I’ve decided to continue, but I let myself off the hook as far as how fast I will read it. Some said they had read it off and on for a year. It is that type of book for sure. 

What I’m not sure of is reading it before bed. I read several pages last night before turning off the light, and I had crazy dreams all night! I actually felt it was disruptive. So maybe I still need to learn how to read this book.

Challenge accepted.

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