Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Chemo #6

Today we went in earlier than usual for Jim’s chemo/immunotherapy treatment. There was a newbie there, reminding me of when we first started, something like 16 weeks ago.

This is how I set Jim up while they are finishing doing his labs. First, we have Jerry the dog. This is a plush my sister gave me years ago, and she was the one who mentioned that Jim needs the companion t the sessions. When I first brought it along, Jim said it reminded him of a dog they had as a kid—a Dalmatian named Jerry, who was female despite the spelling of the name. I bring Jerry for Jim, but I think I need her more. Now I’m even saying things to it like, “Wanna go for a ride in the car?” And “Good dog.”  🤣🤣

We have found hydration is one of the main keys, so we buy Gatorlyte by the case now and he drinks plenty of it. And protein is the other must-have. We have started tracking how things he eats and drinks cause reactions, like extra exhaustion or drop in blood pressure. 

His last chemo reaction lasted three days, a new record. I don’t anticipate it will get any better going forward. We are just treasuring all of our time together, and I remain committed to sitting with him every chemo session. It feels like the least I can do.

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