Wednesday, June 19, 2024

First Day of Summer


No, I wasn’t at the beach sipping drinks and watching dolphins. But yesterday did feel like the first day of summer to me.

Usually when school gets out, I crash for several days just doing a lot of nothing. This year I didn’t have that luxury. There had been so many things waiting to be done once school was out, I got right to it.

Yesterday, even with one short appointment to get Jim to, I decided was my day. I went to the library, got two short novels I’ve been wanting to read, and started one of them. We made our dinner for lunch and watched Remembering Gene Wilder on Netflix. (If you are a fan, I highly recommend.) I took a nap. I did a few other things which were not pre-planned…just things I felt like doing. Made wings for dinner, watched MASH, and read until I couldn’t keep my eyes open.

Today Jim has a breathing test, and there are some things I want to purge. So, back to business as usual, I guess. 😆

But it was sure nice to have that day. I promise myself another one…and soon! 

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