Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Another Reminder

Reading Parker Palmer’s essay “A Wilderness Pilgrimage,” I came across this thought:

Watching wilderness overcome devastation has helped me see how suffering can serve as a seedbed for renewal. Even more, it has offered reassurance that in the great cycle of life and death, new life always gets the last word.

This serves to remind me of the power of nature, and the spirit that animates it all. Nothing is without purpose. I know I ebb and flow on this idea here in my writings…but I always know it is the highest truth, even when I seem to forget.

Right now, I’m better at letting things be and taking care of myself. It is easier because Jim is feeling good. I will take him for his labs and then take the rest of the day for myself. It seems like the best use of a summer Tuesday. 💚

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