Thursday, June 20, 2024

Just Allow

I had so many plans on what I would write today.
Then I took Jim for some bloodwork, and in the car he expressed a 
great deal of anger about having to get tests and keep appointments, 
when it is so difficult for him to just get out of the house.

After having my anger moment last week,
I knew I had to just allow him this rage.

When back home, we talked about it.
We thought about what things can be canceled.
I told him he is the one who needs to decide when enough is enough.
When his quality of life is suffering too much.
His anger is good because it will help point the way.
His face relaxed.

I learned last week about joy, grief, and anger.
I told him that he has a right to be angry.
That what has happened sucks.
That he is trying to protect himself and me because of LOVE.

I have already run a million scenarios through my head.
And I know that I really don’t know what actually will happen.

But I know enough to allow what is.
To listen with empathy and understanding,
and respond with an open heart to his life path,
not for what I think is best for me.

I know there is no cure to any of this.
But I know healing is always possible.


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