Sunday, April 28, 2024

Tiny Folded Maps Revisited

My daily reading of Anne Lamott’s new book
Somehow:Thoughts on Love
has infiltrated my system,
bringing me back to
a found poem I wrote
last Sunday that, frankly,
baffled me. I didn’t know
what it was about.

But as I read the second
last chapter today, my
heart started to feel at rest
when I realized the dream I hold
in that tiny folded map
is my deep desire to bring
out the best in my learners
through love and joy.

The window I needed to open
was to my own cross-purposes.
How I was preventing the light
and needed to awaken to a
deeper love and find joy once more.

The hidden symmetries have been
revealed to me…
and it is a reward…a passage…a homecoming.

Anne talks about how 
God sets creation in motion
and is with us every step of the way,
eliciting a helpful spark within us,
the bright shining spark…

Be the spark.

Tomorrow, that reality begins.

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