Saturday, April 27, 2024

“Without legs, we fly”

Earlier this week I posted a quote from a Rumi poem which is the title of this blog. I revisited these words this morning as I came to terms with where I am with my students.

Truth be told, it’s been a rough year in a lot of ways. For a while after Jim’s diagnosis, I was pretty numb and just getting through. But as things have become more “normal” with the situation, I turned my attention back to issues at work. 

I’m not going to recount everything here, but I came to terms today with some of my own rigidity. Rumi’s quote applies because as I am grounding down, I am missing ways we can fly.

This doesn’t apply to all classes, but a couple in particular. My actions are not helping, even though I thought they would. 

Today I realized that something that had been working for me was cast aside: finding joy. I was keeping a journal for that purpose, which I’ve now ignored for weeks. And isn’t like the journal isn’t within reach, like it hasn’t been calling out to me, because it has. 

It’s time for that to change.

Here is some joy from this week:

Many students did fantastic presentations, defying my expectations.

As we start the Titanic project, some students are pouring themselves into it with excitement.

A couple of creative writers surprised me with funny and brilliant stories.

I chose the Titanic project so I could enjoy this part of the school year before we conclude with One Book, One School. This is supposed to be the best time, and I have been on my way to ruining it with an inflexible attitude.

Today I say ENOUGH. 

You would think after 20 years of teaching this would get easier. But I find every year brings a slightly different cohort of students and I am always flying blind, trying to find the way. With the five weeks left, I just need to let go of whatever preconceptions I still have that I can save the situation. I need to let it be what it is, and love the kids for who they are…flawed and restless, like me.

It’s time to fly into a satisfying conclusion—the one I can create with a joyful spirit. 

I have faith it is within reach. And I will write about it here.

P.S. This song seems appropriate in so many ways! 

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