Monday, April 29, 2024

Love is a Windbreaker

 Journal reflection:

Today I read the final chapter of AnneLamott’s book Somehow, and once again she brought tears to my eyes.

Love is a windbreaker, fashioned of people who sat and listened and got us tea, who did not run for their cute little lives when ours got dark. Who tucked us in, who got us to our feet and back outside, reminding us to lift our eyes to the hills. (pgs. 188-9)

Although nobody did those things physically for me, I know what they did do is just as valuable to me, and has been just as helpful. I know there are places I can reach out, to people who will listen and care, and will help me find shelter from the storm.

Anne reminds us again that all we need is love —because, somehow, it is everything.

I remind myself again to my commitment to LOVE and find joy.

What else is there to do?

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