Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Parking Lot Angels


After a morning at the cancer center with Jim, I made a run to Target to get some needed items. I had not written here yet, and didn’t have any idea what I might write.

When walking out of the store, I thought of an incident in this parking lot less than a month ago. I thought about the people that helped me, and felt it was time to speak my gratitude.

I was feeling stressed that day because company was coming in from out of town, and I wasn’t ready. I did my shopping, loaded my bags into the back end, and started pulling my red cart to the corral. Suddenly, I found myself flying forward, yelling “oh, shit” on the way down, aware of a woman nearby who was witnessing the entire thing.

What had occurred is that my foot got caught under the cart I was pulling, forming a wedge. Since I had forward momentum going, my foot pulled out of the sandal leaving it under the cart as I flew forward. Both of my knees were injured, and I had a nasty cut on my foot where my sandal dug into it.

The woman came over and asked if I was okay. I could tell I did not need an ambulance, and that once I got my bearings I could drive home. Her husband arrived on the scene, and if it wasn’t for him, I don’t know how I would have ever gotten up. That parking lot is very rough blacktop, and both my knees were scraped from sliding across it. I can no longer get up off a floor without getting on my knees, so he had me cross my arms and he pulled my dead weight up.

They had retrieved my shoe and returned my cart, and made sure I got in my car. All I wanted was to get home. On the way, I thought of how the woman had remarked her daughter had fallen in the parking lot and broke her leg. I was not only grateful that didn’t happen to me, but I realized I cannot afford to become incapacitated. Jim is relying on me during this time, and it is vital I take extra care in everything I do.

So today I thought about those parking lot angels when I was heading to my car. If they had not been there, I seriously don’t know what I would have done. I pray for them often, and hope someday I can pay it forward. 🩷

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