Monday, April 8, 2024


Today is the New Moon, a time each month I pull a medicine card to get a preview of what is coming. This time I pulled Owl, which stands for deception. When I read through the book* which gives many interpretations, I always look for the one that seems to make the most sense. Today it was the final paragraph I am going to note here. It goes well with some things I’ve been experiencing, and I want to keep this in my awareness.

If you pulled the Owl card, you are being asked to use your powers of keen, silent observation to intuit some life situation. Owl is befriending you and aiding you in seeing the total truth. Owl can bring you messages in the night through dreams or meditation. Pay attention to the signals and omens. The truth always brings further enlightenment.

* Medicine Cards: The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals by Jamie Sams & David Carson, 1988.

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