Saturday, February 24, 2024

Prayer Trail

 This morning I decided it was time to make a trip to Six Mile Cypress Slough. I honestly cannot recall the last time I was there. I had an idea to take a small journal with me and stop along the walk and write short prayers. But once I got there, I decided I didn’t want to carry the notebook, so I decided to use voice memo on my phone. Each stop I recorded something and took a photo. Very often it was the photo I wanted to take that motivated the prayer. Other times, it was the location.

I didn’t get there as early as I usually do, and the place was already busy with many bird-watchers and 0photographers. Still, I managed to have some quiet moments to reflect and record.

Enjoy my little prayer trail, each word as I recorded it.

Morning at the slough.
I just took a picture of the sun reflecting on the water,
The trees are reflecting
It’s right at the entryway
Absolutely beautiful.
My prayer here is that I may mirror love in the world.

I’m at the lake now…tall grasses all around here, very tall.
I can’t even say I remember the grasses being so tall here.
The dry season hasn’t been all that dry, so I think that’s why.
There’s a cormorant, but I don’t see a lot else.
The breeze is coming at me…now it’s a wind.
I just feel like everything is wide open.
For a while it felt like things were closing in on me, but they’re not.
I’m as wide open as this lake, a breeze blowing across me. 
That’s prayer wind.

Walking on the boardwalk
I’m just realizing
I really needed this.
Everything feels so green.
Well, it is green…
Anyway, absolutely gorgeous morning,
Cool, humid, and wonderful.

The way this tree looked when I came around the bend
Criss-crossing and wrapping around things and bumping into things
It’s exactly how I’ve been feeling lately.
Very representative!
Maybe I don’t always feel wide open and green!

Looking up.
Looking for God.
Reaching for God.

What is the slough without the sounds?
I liked the call this bird was making and how off in the distance, 
another bird was answering.
That is a certain kind of prayer.

I arrived at the Pop Ash Pond, and I get be here by myself,
Without a bunch of bird-watchers and photographers.
Feels nice to breathe and be alone here.

Breathing in contemplation with nature is the best kind of prayer.

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