Sunday, November 13, 2022

Delight Song of Celestial Bodies

 Creative Writing Club November 8, 2022

Two writers showed up for club on Tuesday: 8th grader William and 6th grader Hazel.

William wanted to do something collaboratively. We did some writing, and Hazel had this line about "celestial body" in hers.  I then pulled up my "Delight Song of Six Mile Cypress Slough" (see previous post) and we used that idea to do a write around. 


I am a celestial body

I am a piece of floating space

I am the center of the solar system, a becoming star

I am accused of being too distant

I am alive, I am alive

I stand in good relation to the stars

I stand in good relation to the universe

I stand in good relation to all that is beautiful

You see, I am alive, I am alive


I am a celestial body

I am brilliant at twilight

I am always in the dark

I am seen from other galaxies

I am a dot in a telescope

I am a shining star

I am a far away galaxy, waiting to be discovered

I am secretive and sharp and sullen

I am soft and caring and warm

I am what the future looks like

I am alive, yes, I am alive

I stand in good relation to the earth

I stand in good relation to the heavens

I am alive, I am alive.


I am a celestial body twinkling with glowing stars

I am a star that died out long ago

I am sun-kissed and moon-glowed

I am a moon-given presence

I am what a child sees in her dreams but never remembers

I am a trophy with an endless ribbon

I am in good relation with God

You see, I am alive and alive I am

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