Sunday, November 6, 2022

Delight Song of Six Mile Cypress Slough

 A return to the slough with this mentor poem in mind.  Delight Song of the Tsoai-Talee


I am where you enter the boardwalk to magic

I am the Pond Cypress swamp who greets you


I am the trees and sky


I am the white fungus that dots the trees like punctuation


I am the sunlight setting the alligator flag aglow


I am the wide and gentle lake, perfect for morning meditations


I am sunlight on the water

I am the tree that took two directions

I am the tree that couldn't hang on

I am the heart, the butterfly, the flower


I am deep blues and bright greens


I am a bit of autumn red surprise

I am sun-filtered fern, plentiful and free

I am Cypress needles hanging on, and Cypress trees standing straight and tall.

I am Grandfather Cypress who lost my crown in the hurricane.

I am stillness and reflection as far as the eye can see

I am the raccoon, the Limpkin, the Night Heron, the Pileated Woodpecker who refused to be photographed

I am November in the Slough after the mighty winds that blew

I am the Red-Shouldered Hawk calling as if reciting the poem

You see, I am alive, I am alive

I stand in good relation to the earth

I stand in good relation to the gods

I stand in good relation to all that is beautiful...

You see, I am alive, I am alive

Italicized lines from the mentor poem posted at top

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