Sunday, December 11, 2022

Just Makes Me Happy

 For some reason this year, there was a holiday door decorating contest at my school, with a fantastic prize of a jeans week for the teacher (yawn).  I couldn’t figure out how anyone had time for this, since we were in a crunch given we lost three weeks plus this semester. But…oh well.

Then suddenly I decided to do something simple. And yes, I spent more time on it than I had planned.  But…oh well.

I brought in what was left on an old roll of wrapping paper. I printed off snowflakes for the students to color, along with some pine trees. Called it “Celebrate Learning” and focused on the recent success my learners had in raising their Lexile levels. Of course we didn’t “win” in any of the categories, but that was never my focus. I intend on relishing this joyful expression up until the day I have to take it down. It represents spontaneity, success in goals being met, and so much more. After the major interruption in our lives in the form of one of the worst hurricanes in US history, I am glad we took the time to celebrate through color and creativity. 

I consider this a win!

Here are a couple of detail photos:

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