Saturday, May 28, 2022

63. Cool Observation


This year, I displayed this poster in my room, and had my learners do periodic check-ups on how they were doing in regard to the things that make a great student, even with no special talents.

At the beginning of the year, many of them felt they were doing things like being on time, showing kindness, having a positive attitude, and being prepared. Most reported believing in themselves and following instructions. (I had them rate themselves on a scale of 1-10.)

But the one thing that stood out on the first round was that most of them reported "Doing more than what's required" VERY low.  Mostly "1."  An occasional "3."  Maybe one at "5." It was so pervasive, I actually found it depressing. I had learners who could go through the basic motions, and even thought they had the right attitude for school, yet very few were the least bit motivated to go above and beyond the basics.

Fast forward to this past Monday, when I gave the reflection piece again. I was delighted and amazed that SO many of the students now rated themselves much higher on the "doing more than is required" statement. I had a lot in the 6-7 range, which purely delighted me after what I had seen earlier in the year.

I suppose I could go back and actually document this, student by student. But honestly, I KNOW that many of them have moved the scale on doing more than required. They have shown me they are taking pride in going the extra mile. Case in point: three of my ESOL students, all who started the year barely reading or speaking English, took on a crossword puzzle with words Shakespeare is credited with creating. Words like "rancorous" and "pedant."  AND they were being successful!!!

On the front board I have the words FOCUS * EFFORT * PERSEVERANCE. And those words describe my learners today. The ones that have come to know that "Each action is a vote for the person they want to be" as James Clear would say. 

This has led them to a worthwhile place:

Positive attitude. Risk taking. And feeling pride in a job well done.

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