Saturday, May 28, 2022

62. Perfect Song



Today I found this line from Joy Harjo in her poetry collection Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings:

What kept me going was that perfect song I kept hearing, just beyond the field of perceptible sound.


I related so well, I immediately wrote this:


Coming down off the most difficult
and rewarding school year ever,
I read Joy's words and I know
that this is true for me -- that I
kept hearing a "perfect song" off
in the distance, and I knew it
was for me...I knew I would
eventually capture the lyrics enough
to make them come alive inside, 
then through joy and playfulness
and creativity and love, that song
would become a full reality on the 
outside and spur me on in ways I have 
attempted in the past, but never achieved.
And now I know the day has come.
And I am grateful for the struggle.
Like everything in life: grieve, release, begin anew. 

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