Saturday, February 19, 2022

Creativity Rising (7 Lines/7 Days #92)


February 13-19, 2022

Getting a firmer grip on everything and feeling positive change. 

Finally reading Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan and loving it.

Starting to count the days to spring break and musing what I might do with that time. 

My Global Perspective kids made paper towers and had a blast. The highest was 4 foot, 4 inches. 

Got Thursday’s Wordle in two!

On Friday I was able to connect with a young teacher I don’t really know and have a conversation about common issues. 

My creativity is rising and it feels great. 

(The paper tower challenge—kids were given 20 pieces of copy paper and had 2 minutes to plan and 10 minutes to build. The structure had to stand long enough to be measured).

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