Saturday, February 12, 2022

Being Zen (7 Lines/7 Days #91)


February 5-12, 2022


This week I had a hard time finding lines to write for this project, as things are going extremely well. I almost thought of giving up. I kind of hate to do that, though; I'm on week 91, which means I just have 17 weeks to go. 

Then I remembered that Creative Writing Club met this week, and one of the things we were doing was making found poems from pages of old books. I had highlighted a lot of phrases from Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie, and so I thought, hmmm, maybe there is something there.

 Sure enough! This is what came together.

(P.S. Thanks for all who actually read this each week. I appreciate your loving support.)

 Note: italicized text is from the book. The rest are my words linking the thoughts together


 The most annoying thing in the world is a room full of crazy young teens who want to do anything but what they are supposed to do

It often tests my self-esteem and sanity

But on Friday, I was in a particularly good mood

As I sat on my raised chair up front, my sacred perch 

To tell you the truth, I was kind of surprised I was not annoyed

That I was pretty tranquil for a change--it was the coolest part

There. I can live with that.



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