Saturday, February 5, 2022

All I Know (7 Lines/7 Days #90)


January 30-February 5, 2022

Taking care of myself is priority #1.

It's taken a long time, but I have figured out how to approach the curriculum.

Found out where to find Linda Ronstadt's final recording before she retired, and it's a beauty: 
"All I Know" with songwriter Jimmy Webb.
I have been plodding through a book considered one of the best of 2021 (Firekeeper's Daughter), and I'm constantly reminded I don't like mystery thriller novels. It ended fine, but never again!
We completed the second season of For All Mankind. It was something else!

It was fun watching the Global Perspective kids getting creative with their proposal project, making videos and Instagrams and commercials. This is the kind of thing I live for as a teacher, and I can't wait to see their end products.

4 out of 7 days I got Wordle in 3 tries!

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