Saturday, January 1, 2022

2021 Year in Review in Photos

The year of 2021 seemed rather mild in general, with a few hiccups and a couple of epic trips in the summer. Here is my Year in Review

Something New I Tried--Brew Dogs

When I arrived in Columbus, I knew one of our first stops would be Brew Dogs, a place I had been hearing about for a couple of years. It is an incredible brewery with restaurant, outdoor seating area, a nature walk, and a dog friendly hotel. It was the first of many adventures that week.

With Paul and Margie
Feeling Connected: Van Gogh Experience and Six Mile Slough
The pandemic was still raging with vaccines still not plentiful when I spent a couple of incredible days with friends. In February, it was a Saturday at Six Mile Cypress Slough with Laurie and Annmarie, followed by lunch at Mellow Mushroom. In March it was the Van Gogh Experience (art and music) with friends Amy and Kara. Since the exhibit was at the Dali Museum, we walked through the streets of St. Pete to find a place for lunch. Both of these days lifted my spirits during the trying times of a tough school year and health concerns, by connecting me to all the things I love most: friends, food, music, art, and nature.
Laurie, Annmarie, and me

With Amy and Kara at Dali Museum



Makes Me Smile -- Mom and John in Metroparks

This year we received the news that my 89-year-old mother has advanced Alzheimers. So you can imagine my delight when my brother John sent this beautiful picture of my mother at an overlook in the Rocky River Reservation. It is obvious the drive through nature was uplifting to her, since this is the best photo I've seen of her in a while.

Feeling Proud -- Ricky and his JCU Friends

My nephew Ricky headed off to college in the fall with $40 in his pocket I gave him with instructions that when he made friends at John Carroll University, he was to treat them. I was delighted when he texted me this photo of his friends enjoying ice cream on me!



Highlight of the Year -- Cookout in Westerville

What a wonderful evening at John and Gail's home--great food and the chance to see my niece Emily and her fabulous family. As a bonus I also got to spend time with my cousin Rick from Virginia, and my cousin Mark and his wife Kristen. It was a blast watching the kids play with the toys I got them, catching up with everyone, and just feeling relaxed on a beautiful Ohio evening.


With Paxton, Aiden, Lexi, Kaylee, & Margie

With the incredible Emily

John, me, Rick, Margie, & Mark


Meaningful Moment -- Ashlynn's First Day Back in My Class

I have long contended that reading a book together in the classroom is one of the most powerful experiences a student can have. More than once I have had students return their memories to me about books we read. I was thrilled and delighted when it happened again this year. Two years ago when I taught advanced 6th graders, we read The Bridge Home. This year, on the first day of class with 8th grade advanced students, Ashlynn walked in and the first words out of her mouth were, "Ms. Sadler, do you remember that book we read in 6th grade? That was so good! It is still my favorite book."  It doesn't get any better than that for a reading teacher!

Moment with Loved One -- Grand Ole Opry July 22

Nashville and the Grand Ole Opry have held great meaning for us since we first visited in 2013. After Jim's stroke, and then the pandemic hitting, I didn't know if we would ever be able to attend the Opry again. Our desire to get back there remain stoked as the Opry broadcasted live, even to an empty house, to keep the circle unbroken (as they say) during the shutdown. It made us long for the day we could return. In May I decided to map out a trip, even though it felt risky. But Jim agreed we should try, and in July we were on our way to Nashville. It was not an easy trip by any means, and our plans to meet John and Gail for dinner before the show got pretty messed up. But Jim had sprung for some of the best seats in the house and let me tell you, it really made a difference. From Connie Smith to Larry Gatlin to Lauren Alaina, we felt part of the music more than ever (and this was our 5th visit.)  When I think of this year, it is truly a night I remember most. Before the show someone sitting near us took this photo, and I'm so glad she did. To me it represents so many moments: making the risky decision to travel, pursuing our dream, and being somewhere I love with someone I love. It made everything that a came beforehand feel small in comparison.

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