Saturday, May 15, 2021

Seven Days of Self-Care (7 Lines/ 7 Days #52)



May 9-15, 2021


Facing a week of schedule interruption with testing and several other annoyances, I decided to focus on self-care. Here is the result.

Sunday:  Took a walk with Kara at Lakes Park

Monday: New clothes ready to wear this week: cute tops and colorful dresses

Tuesday: Giving kids space to be themselves helps me be calm

Wednesday: Managed an escape from my classroom during lunchtime, and drove to Publix to get some sushi, enjoying the blue sky and white puffy clouds and breathing deeper

 Thursday: Finally returned to my cushion for five minute daily meditation, and my mind is already in better order

Friday: Early morning neighborhood walk on a breezy, cool day

Saturday: Playing Neil Young music at my lesson, getting together with writing group, and finishing an excellent book makes for a perfect day

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