Sunday, May 16, 2021

Finding My Soft Heart

 Initially inspired by the poem "Your Soft Heart" by Nikita Gill

Part One
My heart has not always felt
so soft toward my 5th period class
a strong contingent of boys
and a couple out-of-control girls
Some quiet ones always 
on the sidelines
the lunch period, so extra 
time with them

But this week I was asking my classes
of 7th and 8th graders

What's the hardest thing about growing up?

and class after class said many of the same things:

school and homework
losing friends
someday having to pay for everything ourselves
thinking of the past and knowing we can't go back
understanding the realities of the world

It was all expected, pretty ordinary

But when I got to 5th period, there
was something that hadn't popped up earlier

One boy wrote:

You know that people love you, but they don't really like you.

One girl simply said:
Being alone

And it was mentioned at least two more times

My soft heart made an adjustment right then.
My determination to be kind to them
no matter how irritating they were, 
My plans altered.

Now all I can think is:

What is one small thing I can do in the days left
to make them feel less alone?
How can I let them know they will always be needed?

Part Two [Triolet]

I always kind of knew

It's about their broken hearts

They are masking feeling blue

I always kind of knew

So I need to yield to what is true 

They are not just upstarts

I always kind of knew

It's about their broken hearts

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