Saturday, February 20, 2021

Good News First (7 Lines, 7 Days #40)



February 14 - 20, 2021


Got the call! Scheduled for 2nd COVID vaccine shot this Monday.

Purchased tickets for the Van Gogh Experience at the Dali Museum. So excited!

Today is the second last Write Around the Corner meeting. So grateful for this group.

This school year continues to grind on me -- although there are occasional moments of relief.

Starting to think it might not be a bad idea to take a day or two off. I've been in the classroom every single day since the beginning of school. A little time away is not a bad thing.

Finally decided that recess days need to be my break, too. We are now going out at the beginning of class, and then coming back and reading. Works like a charm, and I got nearly halfway through a book!

Attention. Attention. Attention.

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