Saturday, February 27, 2021

Not Dead Yet (7 Lines/ 7 Days #41)



February 21-27, 2021


My writing group was so fun! "We're not dead yet!"

Sunday actually moved slowly.

I am vaccinated.

I still remember the day I saw a note Joni Mitchell put on her Clouds album that said she thanked her 7th grade teacher who taught her to love words. I think since that moment this has been my secret ambition, but it has been a long time getting there. Well...I'm closer, anyway.

Wednesday was good, good, good!

I read though what Julia Cameron had to say about Morning Pages in her book The Listening Path, and I couldn't have agreed more. I realized in many ways the Morning Pages have kept me going this very strange school year. It is when I'm fresh in the morning, dumping on the page, the answers come. Julia says, Pages nudge us toward action...we are faced squarely with the question: What are you going to do about it?

Different kind of morning today, listening to jazz. Thanks again, Joni.

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