Saturday, December 19, 2020

Another Tough Week (7 Lines/ 7 Days #31)


December 13-19, 2020




I am happy to return to Zen, something that has drifted away.

I saw a beautiful eagle flying rather low -- a great reminder that Spirit is always with me.

Ricky's band concert was livestreamed and I loved everything about it!

I worked on non-attachment, especially with my 6th graders.

If I want my students to enjoy writing, I have to provide a light environment. 
I love hearing their laughter as they put their ideas together.
I had to shut down a 7th grader's assertion that being required to go to school was like slavery. 
Uh, no. Not ever.
Yesterday morning I had a sad reminder of all we've lost. Really choked me up.

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