Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Don't Count Them Out

Nobody fully understands
how a teacher never
stops thinking about
how to reach their
students, that we
never know when 
one will pop into
our head and we'll
think, I need to
check on this or
that, or see if
they need help
here or there.
How do I challenge
the ones that 
really don't need
this intensive course?
How do I connect
with the one who
should actually 
be in high school?
How do I create
curriculum that
will reach the
students working
from home,
with a myriad
of distractions and
poor wifi connections?
One by one they
step up to home
plate in my mind
and ask to be
Ask that I'm 
gentle when I
send the ball
their way. 
To remember
they're still
learning to swing.
They still want
and need to be
in the game.
Don't count them out.

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