Thursday, March 5, 2020

35. Body Parts


This is a tribute to a sweet student named Amy.

She is small in stature, but big in heart and humor.

Her first few poems were always about Shrek. I have outlawed her from writing anymore poems about the green swamp-dweller.

So, one day last week we did Crash and Burn (10 minutes of stream of consciousness writing), and she says, Hey, Ms. Sadler. I made a list of body part during crash and burn.

Cool, Amy. We will be getting into storywriting. Perhaps it will come in handy.

Tuesday she comes in and says, Hey Ms. Sadler. I wrote a poem over the weekend. It's about Jeffrey Dahmer.

Me (a bit surprised she knew who Jeffrey Dahmer was.)

She says, Will you read it?

So,  I read it out loud to the class. It was about how Jeffrey would bring various body parts to school for show and tell, which culminating in his gruesome acts and the electric chair. The poem was full of her list of body parts, had beautiful rhyming, and was surprising and cool at the same time.

I cannot wait to see what happens when Amy gets into story writing next quarter. This is going to be good!

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