Sunday, March 1, 2020

34. Frankly, it's all kind of a blur...


I began this year with such a crystal clear vision on how I was dedicating my teaching life to student mastery and creativity. And it worked for a several weeks. I was hyper-aware and making it happen and feeling the ups and downs of my new endeavor. I was keeping up with my challenge here, and feeling fully in my space as a writer and teacher.

Then the curriculum changes came. And my husband had a stroke. And my health took a turn for the better, which has actually taken some getting used to. I had a super busy January and February in my personal life. At school, I was getting used to the control needed to make four creative writing classes happen, along with trying some new things. The reading curriculum I am doing is decent -- I like it -- but I don't feel I have to think as hard about how I am doing things. It's all in the script. On top of that, I was finally invited to do a professional development at my school, so had to plan that.


And its all a blur...really. I feel like I lost touch of some things.  Like writing here, mostly, and my own personal blog. Most of my writing has been to create models for my writing students.

None of this is bad. Not at all. It is just so unusual to have a majority of a quarter go by and I don't have many touchstones. I'm feeling great and keeping up with eating better and exercise and seeing friends and reading, my lesson plans and general aims for my classes. And I'm sleeping super good.

Flying through my days, some light, some dark...

Still...something is different about how I'm moving through my days that is leaving me fuzzy. Nothing much stands out to me.

(I know this probably makes absolutely no sense.)

Nine days until spring break, and I know exactly what I'm doing with all the classes. There is some kind of tidiness in that. One that perhaps I'm just not used to?

Is it a blur because I'm more organized, more aware in the moment?

Maybe I don't need to be looking back to know it happened. Or to have documented it all.

Maybe being present is like this.

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