Thursday, August 1, 2019


Inspired by a line in "To the Bone," a short story by Desiree Cooper.



There are ways to keep from dwindling down to nothing.

I have filled my soul and spirit
this summer with hope and vision

the direction I have gone has been
a lovely surprise -- I embrace it

I see enhanced value in what I do
and the way I do it. Forethought

Practice. Reflection. The decision
of purposeful action, slow and steady

I have not been to the beach
yet the ocean is inside me, waves

of knowing, the swell of virtue found
in union, not division. Grace and goodness

combating a culture that can lead us astray
causing a hunger and thirst for something real

Billy Preston said "Nothing
from nothing leaves nothing."

Yet in this abundant movement
I am not starving.
I am filled with everything.

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