Monday, August 5, 2019

The #64Challenge


(Yes, I'm calling it by a hashtag because for some reason every time I think of it, this is the way I see it written.  Sign of the times, I guess.)

Some things have been floating through my mind for a number of months and now, the day before my 64th birthday, I'm finally ready to commit to an idea.

My Process:

1. I have wanted to do some kind of consistent blogging again.  I've been a bit disappointed at my lack of output, especially over this last summer.  I think a focus will help me a lot.

2. I have thought for a while that I'd like to blog about this coming school year because I'm making a lot of changes and, given my class mix, I may have some cool things to write about.

3. Amy gave me a new notebook. The one I've been using for the last couple of years was a gift from Annmarie, but it's filled up.

4. I knew I didn't want to start a whole new blog, so needed a way to make it fit into this one.

With all this in mind, I've created the #64Challenge.

Here is the general design at this time, subject to change as I see the need:

A. Commitment to 64 posts throughout the school year, labeled as the #64Challenge and numbered.  I may do some other blog posts as well. This will distinguish the project here on the blog.

B. I will write reflections in my journal while at school, and use those as fodder for the blog.

C. I have generated some questions I may use for reflection, based on the important categories here and in my classroom.

 BLUE SPACE: What was the overarching theme, feeling, or focus today? What fed us? How was the sky? Clear? Cloudy? Stormy?

GREEN SPACE: Where was growth? How did we root ourselves? What is expanding? Did anything die?

RIVER FLOW: I read that "books are lakes and stories are rivers." What river ran through class today? What is the small story? What is the larger story?

LIGHTNING STRIKES: I want to keep a good documentation of the "aha moments," both mine and my students'.  I think they go a long way to helping learners grow, and the more we recognize them, the better.

So, that's it!  Will let you know when I get started.

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