Monday, January 7, 2019


The final day of a lovely seventeen days off, I take myself to the beach.

Cloudless sky. Tide way out for the New Moon.

As I walk, I reflect on past Januarys...

2016 I was feeling a weird tiredness, which later manifested into shingles.
2017 I was on a steroid, puffing me up and causing a false sense of energy. Later, once off the medicine, I would crash hard for an entire month.
2018 I was still puzzled by the lupus diagnosis and waiting to see a rheumatologist, who all but formally dismissed the diagnosis on my first visit.

But this cloudless.

** I have re-established my walking practice, and it is going great. I get out and walk about 10 miles a week. The thing is, I want to go. I don't stop myself.  But I'm also smart enough to take a day or two off each week, so getting back out feels like a treat.

** I am finding my way into areas of creativity which have been lying in the background, waiting to be rediscovered. This applies to my personal and professional life.  I have plans to slowly eliminate screen time for my life and get more "old school" in my plans. It's time.

** I have built a community of writers and reading teachers around me. It makes every day more worthwhile, sharing the journey with others committed to much of the same things I am.

** I wrote my first new mission statement in twenty years -- one that is designed perfectly to keep me focused in the right direction.

**These days off have enabled me to reflect more fully on the responses to the survey I gave my students in December. Their words point to what needs to change. The needs of each class are different, but there are some simple, proven things I can implement that will help across the board.

Losing a former student caused me to go back and find some words of wisdom the students in 6th period Advanced Placement Literature wrote. I take these words into the new semester with me.  I have just a little over 40 days left with each class.  May I push the clouds of misdirection away, and fully realize these words again:

Creative, bright, always outside the box.

Easygoing, yet analytical.

Thank you for caring about me.

This has been the best English class ever.

The way you approached everything made it more understandable.

I have learned more than I expected, plus my passion for writing has gone way up.

You're funny, smart, and real -- and that's what kids need.

Your class is one I find most useful for me outside of school.

You always try new things and make learning fun.

You create a very creative environment for your students.

This classroom is a safe and free place to express ourselves...many good memories.

Thank you forever, Class of 2013

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