Monday, January 7, 2019

Independent Voices

The Art of Being Hermoine
A girl who can make art,
certain that it is time well spent, her
way of being Hermoine.
In this way she lifts and lays claim.
The message from her is silently consistent:
"World be what it is -- I am here."

Boys will be boys it is said, just
A way to adjust to what boys do,
Like make jokes about each other
All day long -- literally. Jipson
Never stops being his boyish self, yet
Can balance between that and his academics,
Ever walking the edge of middle school acceptance. 

Central to Jose's life is
Ever-increasing knowledge and focus,
Never pivoting off the central
Tenets of the classroom: to be
Engaged and participatory, to
Reap the benefits of each lesson.

Does anyone come more alive?
Intrigued by every bit of everything,
Growing his thoughts,
Growing his connections
Into the depths, Rider digs
Never giving up until we all
Grasp his delicious insight.

Lions and lotus flowers are
Outward symbols of loyalty.
You might think they conflict, but
Allow me to introduce you to Jacqueline:
Lion of determination, flower of gentleness. 

Reaching High
Voice -- Allison has it
coming through loud and clear,
through her perfect mind, thinking
her thoughts, expanding outward
like the branches of a tree,
roots down, reaching high. 

High-spirited and cheerful, Crystal is
Animated in a joyful way
Pleased at her progress
Prepared for what's next
Young in age, seasoned in spirit.

Soccer and academic star
His beaming smile lighting his path
Interested, focused, all things
New to Miguel, he radiates an
External fire generated from within. 

Persuasive Wind
Emma is all that is whole
in a person, much like a tree,
she is steady and strong, leans
on a rare occasion as needed; in
her way she gives her gifts, the
thoughtful fruit, the persuasive wind.

Might be a small matter, but when he
Enters your atmosphere, Jimmy
Tracks like a streak of light
Expressing his unique perspective that
Only he can see, that smile, that
Reason to treasure his presence.

"Our Grandmothers" by Maya Angelou
"Canada" by Billy Collins
"Seeking Out Time" by David Whyte
"Along the Oregon Trail" by Twyla M. Hansen
"Preacher, Don't Send Me" by Maya Angelou
"For Alva Benson, And For Those Who Have Learned to Speak" by Joy Harjo
"Ode to Airheads, Hairdos, Trains to and from Paris" by Barbara Hamby
"On Turning Ten" by Billy Collins
"Poem in Praise of the Trinity Harp" by David Whyte
"Grain of Sand" by Twyla M. Hansen

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