Saturday, December 29, 2018

Smart Girls, Part Two

Finley aims with a clear eye
Light arrow hits the mark,
Ignoring flights of fancy.
Grounded in her beingness.
Home in herself, and her
Trajectory of success

Sharp mind
Humorous and humble
Anna squares off
Pointing to contradictions
Embracing all conversation
Safe in her circle of knowing

Warm Fire
Cassidy -- a warm fire in a cold world.
Ready for anything, her eyes glittering.
She moves as if in a palace
of her own making, of her
own creation, knows how to be good,
how to stay in deserving graces.

Sophisticated and modern
Intuitive and balanced
Living in harmony with others
Velvet fits this girl Ja'kira
Emblem of soft strength
Regal, graceful, and smooth

Curls rest atop her head
Reaching and rising, Amiyah is an
Emblem of the wave, the hill
Sailing her way to the apex
Taking up her coat of arms

Night Wind
Erica must know
the foreverness of blue sky
the elusiveness of night wind
the voices of mountains
taking her into herself.

Hannah Flies
In a moment of clarity
Hannah flies
face as fresh as
a winter day
searching for the high place
believing in
the soundless shadow of love.

Stretching herself
Threading ideas together
Run of academic success
Intricate movements
Never losing composure
Grounded and centered -- Emily

Spends class time in silence.
It is her right to do so.
Listening, but responding rarely.
Expressing her thoughts carefully.
Navia may not be loquacious, but has
Collected within herself
Everything she will ever need.

* Inspirations *
"Flight" by Twyla M. Hansen
"Urban Renewal XX" by Major Jackson
"Ode to My Mother's Handwriting" by Barbara Hamby
"Spiddal Harbor" by David Whyte 
"Savior" by Maya Angelou
"Fire" by Joy Harjo
"In a Moment of Madness, a Dublin Poet Thinks for an Old Love" by David Whyte
"Call It Fear" by Joy Harjo
"Tuesday June 4, 1991" by Billy Collins

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