Sunday, December 23, 2018

Comfort Food

Today is bittersweet. We are having our traditional Christmas Eve Eve -- a tradition since 2010 when Margie and her family moved to Fort Myers. Although we do not yet know if and when they will move, there are many things in the works. It is fairly evident this is our final Christmas season together in the same state.

I decided to write a nonet about this morning's activities. Good way to process, right? Feeling pretty fine as I wrote, counting syllables, the house full of good smells.

And then that damn Aretha Franklin song came on, and I collapsed into a puddle. I think that song will forever be associated with this particular Christmas season.

Green not alone in summertime,
But in the winter's frost and rime;
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
How faithful are thy branches.

This sentiment found its way into my poem.

Happy day to all. Hope you are eating well. Say prayers for our family, please, as we face transition with acceptance and grace.

Comfort Food

I once heard Maya Angelou say
to think of the ones you love while
you are cooking for them. I 
did today while chopping
onions, browning the
meat, carrots.

Some things last.


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