Wednesday, July 4, 2018

"This is My Heart"

The poem I read today is by Joy Harjo, and bears the same title as this blog.  While reading her poem, I could hear it like a song. I immediately knew I had to write my own version. The first and last lines are taken from her. These words came so quickly, I could barely get them on the page fast enough. Therefore, I've done very little editing. Haven't had that happen in quite some time.

This is My Heart

This is my heart.  It is a good heart.
It follows the love of prayer
and impermanence daily. It beats
for people around the world, 
not stigmatizing our differences.
It is heart in love with nature and
life and all God has given.

This is my head full of metaphors
and rhymes. One holding the
tensions of opposites and letting
them be. One that is open to the
artistry of others, whether films
or sonnets or colorful collages
or books written in scroll.
My head whirs with memory and
connections, always busy, always bright.

This is my soul, open to the journey
that is music and teaching and
the pen on the page. This is a happy
soul that has never doubted its
existence. This is the soul connected
to the people I know, one that
grounded me through tough times,
rejoiced in good times, kept a
steady hand on spirit even if I didn't know it.

This is my song I've come to sing quite
loudly. It is a hard-won song, a
song with minor chords to add
depth and strength, a song that
may slant its rhymes but is always,
always going in the right direction.
A song of grace and peace and unfragmented
awareness of the beauty and loss
all around us, always and forever after
I am freed from the bonds of this world.
It is a good thing, says my soul.

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